Welcome to our blog. This site will be used to share work, comments and links. Students are welcome to upload their in progress work for feedback, ask questions and share completed designs.
Calling all artists and curators! Have you ever wanted to design your own promotional materials for art exhibitions or portfolio use? In this course, students work with their own images and concepts to design exhibition invitations, posters, signage, ephemera and personal business cards. Preparing imagery for printing, outsourcing and online use also will be covered. All products will be designed in Adobe Illustrator® and Photoshop® software. No experience necessary. Printing costs not included.
About this blog:
In conjunction with Melissa McGurgan's Graphic Design for Art Marketing class, this blog functions as a online class component. Handouts, links, and project samples will be posted for easy access and students can share their progress, ideas and finished products. Students and visitors are invited to comment and share their input.